2024. Post-scriputm al capítulo "Teoría del nuevo dessarollismo: una síntesis"de 2018.
2024. Post-scriputm al capítulo "Teoría del nuevo dessarollismo: una síntesis"de 2018.
2023. In this report I identified year a year, since 2001, the formation of the concepts and models of New-Developmental Theory. It is not a paper.
2019. All industrial revolutions happened in the framework of a developmental state. We can distinguish in history four basic models of developmental state. Spanish version available(Papers)
2019. All industrial revolutions happened in the framework of a developmental state. We can distinguish in history four basic models of developmental state. English version available. (Papers)
2019. Com Cícero Araújo. The neoliberal project failed. Is the alternative project - a developmental project - to succeed in the framework of globalization? (Paper: Dados)
2019. The Capitalist Revolution envelops the Commercial Revolution, the formation of the nation-states, and the industrial revolution. England was the first nation to "complete" it. After each country makes the Capitalist Revolution, economic development begins and turns self-sustained. (paper)
2018. Rentiers, the inheritors of the entrepreneurs, and financiers, a special type of technobureaucrats, are the fuling classes in contemporary capitalism; neoliberalism is their ideology. The financiers manage the wealth of the idle rentiers and act as organic intellectuals of this very narrow class coalition. (Revista de Estudos Avançados,USP)
2018. Rentiers, the inheritors of the entrepreneurs, and financiers, a special type of technobureaucrats, are the fuling classes in contemporary capitalism; neoliberalism is their ideology. The financiers manage the wealth of the idle rentiers and act as organic intellectuals of this very narrow class coalition. (Discussion Paper)
2018. Developmentalism is the twin brother of economic nationalism, as it is the ideology of development geared toward industrialization that assumes a moderate state intervention in the economy and the defense of national interest in a world in which competition between nations is stronger than cooperation. (Paper in Economia e Sociedade; English version also in this site).
2017. Capitalism and the state are either developmental, or liberal. Developmentalism and economic liberalism are two forms of coordinating capitalism. Capitalism was born developmental anywhere, in England or in the US, in Germany or in Brazil, in Japan or in China. (paper: Brazilian Journal of Political Economy)
2018. An encompassing paper on economic nationalism, its relation to developmentalism. Why it is a condition of growth in a world where nation-states rather compete than cooperate. (Paper in t, Turkish journal. Portuguese version also in this site)
2017. The first developmentalism was mercantilism, the second, Fordism, which was a progressive class coalition. After the 2008 Crisis neoliberalism turned demoralized, state intervention increased, and a third developmentalism is looming, but it will be a conservative capitalism due to the competition of China and other developing countries.
2016. All industrial revolutions happened in the framework of a developmental state. We can distinguish in history four basic models of developmental state. Portuguese version available.(Texto p/ Discussão)
2016. National solidarity, first, and social-democracy, later on, have mitigated Capitalist exploitation. The demise of these two institutions led global capitalism to the present political crisis. (essay)
2017. The Brexit, Donald Trump's election and the rise of the extreme right express the political crisis of globalization. National solidarity, first, and social-democracy, later on, have mitigated Capitalist exploitation. The demise of these two institutions led global capitalism to the present political crisis. (Paper: Novos Estudos) Version in English.
(2013) In this text, It was already clear to me that the alternative to economic liberalism was developmentalism, and that after the 2008 Global Crisis, some facts announced the collapse of neoliberalism and the change to developmentalism. Portuguese version available.
(2013) In this text, it was already clear to me that the alternative to economic liberalism was developmentalism, and that after the 2008 Global Crisis, some facts announced the collapse of neoliberalism and the change to developmentalism. English version available.