• 05-2009-capa-mondialisation-et-competition
  • 15-1968-capa-desenvolvimento-e-crise-no-brasil-1930-1967
  • 09-1993-capa-reformas-economicas-em-democracias-novas
  • 12-1982-capa-a-sociedade-estatal-e-a-tecnoburocracia
  • 01-2021-capa-new-developmentalism
  • 17-2004-capa-em-busca-do-novo
  • 02-2021-capa-a-construcao-politica-e-economica-do-brasil
  • 05-2010-capa-globalixacion-y-competencia
  • 08-1984-capa-desenvolvimento-e-crise-no-brasil-1930-1983
  • 16-2015-capa-a-teoria-economica-na-obra-de-bresser-pereira-3
  • 01-2021
  • 2014-capa-developmental-macroeconomics-new-developmentalism
  • 05-2010-capa-globalization-and-competition
  • 03-2018-capa-em-busca-de-desenvolvimento-perdido
  • 09-1993-capa-economic-reforms-in-new-democracies
  • 13-1988-capa-lucro-acumulacao-e-crise-2a-edicao
  • 04-2016-capa-macroeconomia-desenvolvimentista
  • 2006-capa-as-revolucoes-utopicas-dos-anos-60
  • 11-1992-capa-a-crise-do-estado
  • 05-2009-capa-globalizacao-e-competicao
  • capa-novo-desenvolvimentismo-duplicada-e-sombreada
  • 06-2009-capa-construindo-o-estado-republicano
  • 07-2004-capa-democracy-and-public-management-reform
  • 10-1999-capa-reforma-del-estado-para-la-ciudadania
  • 10-1998-capa-reforma-do-estado-para-a-cidadania

1979. Political economy born with capitalism, administrative theory rose with monopolist capitalism and the growth of business firms. Economics discusses market coordination of economic systems, administration, power coordination of organizations.(Note: Revista de Administração de Empresas)

1973. In Brazil supermarkets serve the middle class and the rich, not the poor. This is a clear indication of how concentrated is income in the country. (Note: Revista de Administração de Empresas)

1970. The reduction of the profit margin will only compensate if sales increase more than proportionally. (Paper: Revista de Administração de Empresas).

1970. Book edited by Yolanda Ferreira Balcão e Cândido Bueno de Azevedo, in which 8 of the 15 business cases were collected by Bresser-Pereira. (Book: Editora da Fundação Getúlio Vargas)

1966. Given the existence of a large middle classe, democracy's restoration is inevitable. In this process, Brazilian industrial entrepreneurs must associate themselves with the new business managers that are emerging and develop a national development strategy that should be democratic and socially progressive. (Paper: Revista de Administração de Empresas)

1963. There are three types of adverting: information adverting, repetion advertising, and emotion and enchantment advertising. (Paper: Revista de Administração de Empresas)

1963. Alfred Slowan's model of functional descentralized organization (today called "matricial organization") clearly presented.(Chapter 4 of Introdução à Organização Burocrática).

1962. Case on a major firm selling powered milk (Case: EAESP/FGV)

1960. The conflict that American graduate business students face between the drive for social mobility and the conditions found by William Henry: leaving home and forgeting friends (Term-paper: MBA at Michigan State University)