2016, with Marcus Ianoni.
2016, with Marcus Ianoni.
2021. This paper resumes new developmentalism - a theoretical framework that has been defined since the early 2000s to understand middle-income countries.
2024. Human progress depends on republican citizens and a republican state. (Chapter of book)
2023. Paper with José Luis Oreiro. Development theory has a history, that goes from the classical political economy to Classical Structuralist Developmentalism and New Developmentalism.
2023. Chapter of "Rise and Fall of Neoliberal Rentier Capitalism", written in 2020.
2023. Neoliberalism has collapsed in the rich world. The State is back. In Brazil, however, neoliberalism is still dominant (Essay, in Global Policy).
2019. Clues for an open and development macroeconomics. The tittle is self explanatory.
2023. In this report I identified year a year, since 2001, the formation of the concepts and models of New-Developmental Theory. It is not a paper.
2022. The are two forms of economic organization of capitalism: the developmental and the liberal form. All industrial and capitalist revolutions happened in the framework of capitalism. After it, we had four phases of capitalist development. (Chapter of book being written)
2021. Rentier capistalists don't command capital accumulation and innovation. Managers do that. Neoliberal capitalism is changing into a managerial capitalism, while democracy is checking the threat represented by right-wing populism. RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, 61 (3), 2021: 1-11. Portuguese version available
2021. In this report I t the ideas consider historically the basic ideas of new developmentalism and identify the paper in which this idea wa first published. It is a history of the intellectual construction of new developmentalism. (Personal report published only in this site. Last revision: June 2021)
2021. The Industrial Revolution made capital the dominant production relation in entrepreneurs' capitalism; the Second Industrial Revolution and the associated organizational revolution promoted the shift from the strategic factor of production of capital to technical and administrative knowledge and made the emergence of the managerial class a definitive historical phenomenon. (Chapter of book being written)
2020. In rich countries, the authoritarian character of right-wing populism does not mean that democracy is dying. It is a reaction to neoliberalism which in the last 40 years didn't improve the sort of the white lower middle-class. Portuguese version available.
2020. Many rich countries are financing the huge Covid-19 expenditures by monetary emission. (Paper, Forum for Social Economics) Portuguese version available
2020. With Luiz Fernando de Paula and Miguel Bruno. Portuguese version available
2020. A retention or tax on the export of commodities will neutralize the Dutch disease and assure to the manufacturing industry equal conditions in the competion with other countries. The tax will not represent a buden to the exporters, because they receive back their money on the form of depreciation of the real. (Paper: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics)
2020. New Developmentalism is a theoretical framework being defined since the early 2000s. It is a political economy and a development macroeconomics that originates from Development Economics and Post-Keynesian Macroeconomics. (Paper in Challenge,)
2011. The final version of this paper is Democracy and capitalist revolution,but I decided to conserve this earlier version. (Working Paper EESP/FGV 149, month???)
2020-Carlos Medeiros' critique to the new-developmental theory and Bresser-Pereira's response in the same issue of ROKE.