2024. As múltiplas faces de um gestor, policy-maker e intelectual.
2024. As múltiplas faces de um gestor, policy-maker e intelectual.
Roberto Giannetti da Fonseca (2011). The solution of the European debt crisis should follow the one proposed by Bresser-Pereira in 1987 - that was consagrated by the Brady Plan. (Valor, 28.07.11)
2008. Exposição no seminário Desenvolvimento econômico: crescimento com distribuição de renda em comemoração aos 200 anos do Ministério da Fazenda, ESAF, Brasília, 8, 9 e 10 de setembro de 2008 publicado no livro 200 anos - Ministério da Fazenda: Os Ministros - Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2010. pp. 47-58.
Francisco Lopes (2004). Bresser planned to make a second stabilization based on the "otenização" - something very similar to the mechanism that was used in the Plano Real to neutralize inertial inflation (Paper).
1996. Maria Hermínia Tavares de Almeida writes on the Bresser Plan. (Chapter of a book)
1995. An account of the 1987 negotiation of the debt crisis. Brazil presented a proposal of debt securitization which represented a turning point in the debt crisis, and was the Brady Plan 18 months later. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política) *
1993. The Plano Bresser was a 1987 atempt to stabilize prices in Brazil in an adverse environment. English version available. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política).
1993. The Bresser Plan - an atempt to stabilize prices in Brazil in an adverse environment. Portuguese version available. (Paper in book edited by John Williamson)
1992. Revised version of the testimony to IUPERJ on the author's experience as Finance Minister in Brazil: the major crisis, the "Bresser Plan", and the negotiation of the foreign debt. Non revised version available in French. (In Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais")
1993. Economic heterodoxy should not be confused with economic populism. The Bresser-Plan was both heterodox and orthodox. (Conjuntura Econômica")
1989. A testimony to IUPERJ on the author's experience as Finance Minister in Brazil. I receive the finance ministry when the Great Debt Crisis of the 1980s reaches its peak with the failure of the Cruzado Plan. The emergence "Bresser Plan", and the negotiation of the foreign debt. Available in Portuguese, and in an extended version. (Published in Problèmes d'Amérique Latine)
1989. Interviews given by Bresser-Pereira while he was Finance Minister of Brazil, edited by Carlos Alberto Sardenberg. (Book: Editora Brasiliense). Disponível em pdf.
1989. Testimony to the US House of Representatives, Washington, January 1989 *
1988. A comparison between the Cruzado Plan (1986) and the Bresser Plan (1987). Portuguese version available.(Paper in Pamela Falk's edited book, 1990)
1988. A comparisson between the Cruzado Plan (1986) and the Bresser Plan (1987. English version available.(Paper: Revista de Economia Política).
1988. A testimony to IUPERJ (Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos) on the authors experience as Finance Minister of Brazil. Available in French, and also an extended and revised version.(Discussion paper, IUPERJ)
1988. The 1987 negotiation of the foreign debt was guided by a question ("is the payment of interest consistent with the economic growth of Brazil?"), and by the idea of securitizing the debt with a discount. Portuguese version available. (Note: LASA Forum)
1987. December. Resignation letter from the Ministry.
Washington, DC, September 30, 1987.
1987. Documentos do Ministério da Fazenda, governo José Sarney.