2023. Neoliberalism has collapsed in the rich world. The State is back. In Brazil, however, neoliberalism is still dominant (Essay, in Global Policy).
2023. Neoliberalism has collapsed in the rich world. The State is back. In Brazil, however, neoliberalism is still dominant (Essay, in Global Policy).
2021. Rentier capistalists don't command capital accumulation and innovation. Managers do that. Neoliberal capitalism is changing into a managerial capitalism, while democracy is checking the threat represented by right-wing populism. RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, 61 (3), 2021: 1-11. Portuguese version available
2021. The Industrial Revolution made capital the dominant production relation in entrepreneurs' capitalism; the Second Industrial Revolution and the associated organizational revolution promoted the shift from the strategic factor of production of capital to technical and administrative knowledge and made the emergence of the managerial class a definitive historical phenomenon. (Chapter of book being written)
2021. Around 1980 China made the right choice of economic policy regime (developmentalism) and the US, the wrong choice. This is one of the reasons for the US losing gradually hegemony to China. (Chapter of a book being written)
2020. O pobre do Guedes e seu neoliberalismo não vão levar o Brasil a grande coisa. Ninguém tem confiança na economia brasileira e neste governo. (entrevista em O Estado de S.Paulo).
2020. Brazil faces four crises (political, economic, moral and sanitary) in the framework of the world crisis of neoliberal capitalism and the rise of rightwing populism. (A Terra é Redonda)
2019. Neoliberalism and the right-wing populist response in the rich countries and in Brasil. (Essay in A Terra é Redonda
2019. Palestra em Diálogos Luso-Brasileiros, Lisboa (Apresentação de slides)
2019. Diálogos Luso-Brasileiros, ciclo de conferências realizados pelo Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG) da Universidade de Lisboa, 4 de novembro de 2019.
2019. Com Cícero Araújo. The neoliberal project failed. Is the alternative project - a developmental project - to succeed in the framework of globalization? (Paper: Dados)
2019. A society is just when economic and political inequality is reasonably low. Institutions that assure civil and political rights are able to eliminate legal privileges by making everybody equal before the law, but they are less effective in reducing economic inequality, which is embedded in the structure of society.
2019. Survey of book by Yascha Mounk. Liberal democracy is in crisis. It could not be otherwise because neoliberals see it as the ideal form of society. (Article in Quatro Cinco Um-Revista dos Livros)
2018. Rentiers, the inheritors of the entrepreneurs, and financiers, a special type of technobureaucrats, are the fuling classes in contemporary capitalism; neoliberalism is their ideology. The financiers manage the wealth of the idle rentiers and act as organic intellectuals of this very narrow class coalition. (Revista de Estudos Avançados,USP)
2018. Rentiers, the inheritors of the entrepreneurs, and financiers, a special type of technobureaucrats, are the fuling classes in contemporary capitalism; neoliberalism is their ideology. The financiers manage the wealth of the idle rentiers and act as organic intellectuals of this very narrow class coalition. (Discussion Paper)
2017. Capitalism and the state are either developmental, or liberal. Developmentalism and economic liberalism are two forms of coordinating capitalism. Capitalism was born developmental anywhere, in England or in the US, in Germany or in Brazil, in Japan or in China. (paper: Brazilian Journal of Political Economy)
2018. Survey of the recent debate on the secular stagnation of capitalism, in special, Robert J. Gordon, The Rise and Fall of American Growth. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016.
2017. The first developmentalism was mercantilism, the second, Fordism, which was a progressive class coalition. After the 2008 Crisis neoliberalism turned demoralized, state intervention increased, and a third developmentalism is looming, but it will be a conservative capitalism due to the competition of China and other developing countries.
2017. Rentier-financier capitalism is in economic crisis since 2008 and in political crisis since 2016. The secular stagnation issue was brought again to the fore, in so far as capitalism turned again liberal (instead of developmental) since 1980. But it is more likely that rich countries will face low growth, financial instability, and increasing inequality, unless they are able to criticize economic liberalism. (Paper for Berlin conference)
2017. The Brexit, Donald Trump's election and the rise of the extreme right express the political crisis of globalization. National solidarity, first, and social-democracy, later on, have mitigated Capitalist exploitation. The demise of these two institutions led global capitalism to the present political crisis. (Paper: Novos Estudos) Version in English.