2024. Como para eles não há teoria absolutamente verdadeira, a regra é fazer experimentações. Uma discussão sobre o método. (Folha de S. Paulo)
2024. Como para eles não há teoria absolutamente verdadeira, a regra é fazer experimentações. Uma discussão sobre o método. (Folha de S. Paulo)
2022. To define the frontiers distinguishing the sciences it is helpful to classify the sciences into substantive and methodological, and divide the former into natural and social sciences.
2015. This paper proposes a classification of economic models into three types: historical, axiomatic, and conditional. (Paper published 9n 2016 in the Journal of Economic Methodology)
2015. Interdisciplinarity is for me the natural way of thinking. (small essay, Conversas Interdisciplinares, ANPOCS)
2011. The core of neoclassical economics (general equilibrium and rational expectations macroeconomics) is demoralized. A Keynesian-structuralist alternative is available. What is necessary to do to become mainstream again. Portuguese version available. Also available a Slide presentation.
2012. Since economics is a social science, good economics is historical and assumes uncertainty. Thus, it should be modest and reasonable, See corresponding paper. (Conference receiving the James Street Award from the Association for Evolutionary Economics: slide presentation)
2010. Because they adopt scientific methods as mathematics to justify the laissez faire, the origin of countless crises. (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, February 08, 2010)
2010. Porque adotam método de ciências como a matemática para justificar o "laissez-faire", origem de crises e mais crises. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo, 08.02.2010)
2008. Neoclassical economists use the hipothetical deductive method, but an empirical-deductive method, particularly the new historical facts approach, is a a more advisable aternative. (Paper: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics). Portuguese version available.
2009. Neoclassical economists use the hipothetical deductive method, but an empirical-deductive method, particularly the new historical facts approach, is a a more advisable aternative. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política). English version available.
2006. Note on thruth asserting that the ability to achieve thruth depends on the complexity of the objects that are studied. (Note: prepared to students)
2005. Tony Lawson is making an important contribution to economic methodology with his ontological approach, and also because he sees that mainstream economics is essentially characterized by the method it uses - a mathematical-deductive method. (Comments to Tony Lawson's paper, "The nature of heterodox economics" just published here).
2005. Societys three instances (structural, cultural, and institutional) help us to distinguish and understand social sciences roles. (Note for class discussion)
Lilian Furquim e Paulo Gala (2004) "The pragmatic method". Why Bresser-Pereira follows the American pragmatism. Paper in the Festricht of Bresser-Pereira, Em Busca do Novo. (Paper in edited book)
Alexandra S. de Farias Godoi (2004)."The method of the historical new fact". Paper in the Festricht of Bresser-Pereira, Em Busca do Novo. (Paper in edited book)
2004. The method that Celso Furtado utilizes is essentially historical his passion - a measured passion - is Brazil. A survey of Furtado's work. Portuguese and English versions available. (Paper: Revista de La CEPAL)*
2003. The ambition of developing a unique and comprehensive economic theory is vain and dangerous. (Note just published in this website 14 pages)
2003. A second variable, besides self-interest, is turning increasingly relevant: policymakers' incompetence. English version available. (Revista Brasileira de Economia). *
2001. The method that Celso Furtado utilizes is essentially historical; his passion - a measured passion - is for Brazil. A survey of Furtado's work.Portuguese and Spanish versions available. (Paper to be published in English)