• 03-2018-capa-em-busca-de-desenvolvimento-perdido
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  • 01-2021
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  • 2014-capa-developmental-macroeconomics-new-developmentalism
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  • capa-novo-desenvolvimentismo-duplicada-e-sombreada

Managerial Reform - Third part articles

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Helena Pinheiro (2014) O objetivo deste texto é compartilhar aprendizados, constatações e dúvidas que me ocorreram durante o período em que tive a oportunidade de trabalhar junto a órgãos governamentais federais e estaduais em seu esforço de aprimoramento da gestão.

2011. The Bobst Center of Princeton University chooses the 1995 Public Management Reform as a world example of innovative reform. Research by Rushda Majeed.

2005. Marcus Melo, Francisco Gaetani e Carlos Pereira. These reforms which have transformed the structure and the role of the states in the region reflect to a large extent the pressures that have developed as a result of the globalization process. A landmark in this process was the international agreement at the World Trade Organization for the liberalization of telecommunications. (Paper: X Congreso Internacional del CLAD)

2005. Francisco Gaetani. The text focuses on the dilemmas related to the institutionalization of evaluation practices and their insertion in Brazilian policy making processes. Despite recent improvements in the government monitoring and coordination capacities, policy evaluation remains an unstructured area with respect to the policy-making processes. (Paper: X Congreso Internacional del CLAD)

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