2024. Classical estructuralist developmentalism and new developmentalism compared. Their contributions of the two theretical frameworks, particularly the one of new-developmental theory and the explanation of the Dutch disease. (Paper)
2024. Classical estructuralist developmentalism and new developmentalism compared. Their contributions of the two theretical frameworks, particularly the one of new-developmental theory and the explanation of the Dutch disease. (Paper)
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, Carmem Feijó e Eliane Cristina Araújo (2022) This paper criticizes the “fundamental equilibrium” concept and develops two econometric tests. The first checks whether the four determinant variables used in the model are
relevant. The second verifies whether this model is a good predictor of the exchange rate throughout time. (Paper: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics).
2021. This paper resumes new developmentalism - a theoretical framework that has been defined since the early 2000s to understand middle-income countries.
2024. In this paper I search to figure out the historical trajectory of democratization - the improvement of the quality of democracy. Only published in this site.
2024. Human progress depends on republican citizens and a republican state. (Chapter of book)
2009. Direitos republicanos são o direito que todos os cidadãos têm que leis autorizando a captura do patrimônio público tenham efeito (capítulo de livro).
2023. Paper with José Luis Oreiro. Development theory has a history, that goes from the classical political economy to Classical Structuralist Developmentalism and New Developmentalism.
2023. Chapter of "Rise and Fall of Neoliberal Rentier Capitalism", written in 2020.
2023. Neoliberalism has collapsed in the rich world. The State is back. In Brazil, however, neoliberalism is still dominant (Essay, in Global Policy).
2018. The title is self-explanatory.
2023. No pós-guerra, nos anos dourados do capitalismo, tivemos o capitalismo gerencial, no qual os capitalistas ainda eram dominantes e os gerentes estavam no segundo plano. Nos anos neoliberais, que se seguiram, os capitalistas deixaram de controlar o processo de acumulação de capital e a inovação que os legitimava. Hoje, depois do colapso do neoliberalismo em 2021, estamos caminhando para um gerencialismo democrático e desenvolvimentista.
2023. This paper is the history of how the theory of inertial inflation was developed in Brazil in the early 1980s, when inflation was very high, much higher than the stagflation that happened in the United States in the previous decade.
2022. (Revista de Economia, UFPR)
2022. After the Agrarian Revolution, 10.000 years BC, the Capitalist Revolution (From the 14th to the 19th century) was the second greatest change in history. We can distinguish four types of capitalist revolutions, all happening in the framework of the developmental state. (Chapter of book being written)
2021. The tittle says everything. This essay may also be an introduction to economic development and Latin America. Texto para Discussão EESP/FGV 554.
2021. Rentier capistalists don't command capital accumulation and innovation. Managers do that. Neoliberal capitalism is changing into a managerial capitalism, while democracy is checking the threat represented by right-wing populism. RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, 61 (3), 2021: 1-11. Portuguese version available
2021. From the 1980s, Brazil quasi-stagnated while East-Asia continued to grow. What went wrong? (Paper in Economic Dynamics and Structural Change)