2017. An encompassing analysis of Brazil's society, economy, and politics since the Independence. A national-dependent interpretation. In the bookstores and in kindle
2017. An encompassing analysis of Brazil's society, economy, and politics since the Independence. A national-dependent interpretation. In the bookstores and in kindle
27.12.2017. Why since 2013 we saw political hate in Brazil? I believe that the structural explanation for that. The white Brazilian elites always despised the negro or mestiça lower classes. Suddenly a politician originated from the excluded class, Lula, identified himself self with it, while his political party got involved in corruption. This was sufficient to the insecure middle-class developed hate - a sentment that is incompatible with democracy. (Note in the Facebook)
2021. An encompassing analysis of Brazil's society, economy, and politics since the Independence. A national-dependent interpretation. (Book: Editora 34, updated 4th edition, 2021). Nas livrarias e Em kindle.
2016. Defender Dilma neste momento é dever cívico. O impeachment é uma farsa jurídica que não podemos aceitar. Ele foi um dos escolhidos pela presidente para defendê-la no Senado. (Entrevista por Lúcia Müzell, da Radio France)
2003. The patterns of economic development and the political pacts in Brazil from Vargas (1930) to Lula (2003). 5th revised edition almost doubling the size of the book. (Book: Editora 34). Nas livrarias.
2014. A sociedade brasileira está dividida politicamente entre ricos e pobres. Falta à nação um projeto -- sobra o ódio, que eu nunca havia visto antes, e grande mal-estar. (Revista Interesse Nacional)
2007. Vargas was the statesman that led Brazils national and industrial revolution. Although an authoritarian politician, he created the conditions for consolidated democracy. (Paper: tin book edited by Dutra Fonseca Zahluth Bastos)
2008. The 1988 Brazilian Constitution was the outcome of a democratic and popular political pact. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2007. It a mistake to believe that Lula is working for a third mandate. He knows that democracy is consolidated in Brazil, and that such constitutional amendment has no chance of being approved. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo,5.11.2007)
2006. Political reform should begin by introducing districtal vote combined with open lists.(Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2006. Businessmen may support a moderate left political party if this party is also national commited to national economic development. Portuguese version available.(Paper Nueva Sociedad).
2005. The Brazilian IDH is improving not because income is increasing but because since the transition to democracy (1985) a major effort is being made in the area of social expenditures. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
1993. Dr. Ulysses Guimarães was an outstanding public man. My personal and political relations with him. (Interview in the book Dr. Ulysses: O Homem que Pensou o Brasil).
2003. Social conflict in inherent to democracy. (Article, Folha de S.Paulo, 10.8.2003)
2002. Presidential elections demonstrated that democracy is consolidated, in transition from an elites to a public opinions democracy. (Note: Not published)
2000. This paper presents a hystorical typology of democracy: elites or Schumpeterian democracy, civil society"s public opinions democracy, participatory democracy, and deliberative democracy. Brazil is in transition from elites democracy to public opinions democracy. Portuguese version available. (Paper: IPSA Congress, Quebec)
2000. Brazil, as all new democracies, is a "democracy of elites ". Yet, there are indication of a transition to what may be called "democracy of civil society", where public opinion and public non state political advocacy organizations become relevant. English version available. (In Reis Velloso edited book)
2000. Brazil, as all new democracies, is an "elites' democracy". Yet, there are indication of a transition to what may be called "civil society´s democracy", where public opinion become relevant (Estudos Avançados, USP)*
1998. The press is a central tool of the democratic debate. It must be critical without ignoring trust and respect.(Speech in the lunch for Page 3 authors Folha de S.Paulo)
1994. An original analysis of the democratic discourse in Brazil. (Preface to Danielle Forgets Conquistas e Resistências do Poder (1964-1984): A Emergência do Discurso Democrático no Brasil.