1980. Response to Lima & Belluzzo'critique of my theory of technobureaucracy. They criticize me according to Marx, but I claim to be more faithful to Marx's spirit. (Note Estudos Cebrap)
1980. Response to Lima & Belluzzo'critique of my theory of technobureaucracy. They criticize me according to Marx, but I claim to be more faithful to Marx's spirit. (Note Estudos Cebrap)
1985. Review of book by Jorge Miglioli,Acumulação de Capital e Demanda Efetiva in which the author presents the Marxist view of effective demand. (Review in Revista de Economia Política)
1979. Political economy born with capitalism, administrative theory rose with monopolist capitalism and the growth of business firms. Economics discusses market coordination of economic systems, administration, power coordination of organizations.(Note: Revista de Administração de Empresas)
1979. The central problem that the Brazilian economy faces is not growth but income distribution. (Lecture in Curitiba)
1979. The Brazilian entrepreneurs may not have political hegemony but they have ideological hegemony. (Preface to the book by Fernando C. Prestes Motta).
1978. Industrial civilization involved two creative revolution: the capitalist and the scientific revolution. But it threatens freedom. (Review of Celso Furtados book "Criatividade e Dependência na Civilização Industrial, in Revista de Economia Política)
1977. A response to Giannotti. In the technobureaucratic mode of production the founding relation of production ceases to be the capital to become the bureaucratic organization. (Note: Estudos Cebrap)
1977. The planning state and the producer state in industrialized underdevelopment or the developmental state. (Short paper)
1977. Two strategies increasing demand were central in the Brazilian 1967-73 'miracle': the concentration of income benefiting the middle class and the rich and an active export policy. (Paper: Revista de Administração de Empresas).
1977. This article was the base for the book, O Colapso de uma Aliança de Classes. With president Geisel's "Pacote de Abril" (1977), the aliance between the bourgeoisie and the military technobureaucracy starts breaking down, ( Article in Folha de S.Paulo)
1976. A survey of book on foreign capital by Von Doelinger and Leonardo Cavalcanti.(Survey: Revista de Administração de Empresas)
1975. Publicado na Folha de S. Paulo, 4.1.76, sem notas de rodapé, com o título "Política Econômica e Desaceleração". Republicado em O Colapso de uma Aliança de Classes.
1975. The recession starting in 1974 explained by an increase in the profit rate higher than the increase in the technobureaucrtic middle class' salaries.(Note: Opinião)
1975. Japan demonstrates that 'capital is made at home'; its growth was an example of nationalism and state intervention. (Survey: Revista de Administração de Empresas)
1974. The Solow-Meade model is the neoclassical alternative to the growth model the Keynesian, Harrod-Domar model. It is consistent with an economy permanently in market-equilibrium that the previous model rejected. (Short note for the students)
1974. Anexo II do livro Empresários e Administradores no Brasil, São Paulo: Brasiliense.
1973. In Brazil supermarkets serve the middle class and the rich, not the poor. This is a clear indication of how concentrated is income in the country. (Note: Revista de Administração de Empresas)
1971. There is a cost or "administrative" component in inflation. By expanding the economy, this factor is being taken into consideraton, and inflation, that followed by orthodox measures between 1964 and 1967, continues to fall. (Note: Visão, Caderno "Brasil 71"
1969. With Eduardo Matarazzo (Comment: Revista de Administração de Empresas)*