2000. Besides being public and critical, universities must be efficient and competititve (Notes from public debate).
2000. Besides being public and critical, universities must be efficient and competititve (Notes from public debate).
1999. The ten commandements of public life. (Response to an inquiry by Folha de S. Paulo.
2000. A comparison between two "The Tempest": Shakespeare s play and the Mazursky s fillm. (Valor Econômico)
1999. Goodbye Speech of the Ministry of Science and Technology. 21.7.1999.
1999. The confusion between science and moral. (Speech at the World Conference on Science Budapest, June 1999)
1999. Genetic modified organism that are previously examined by a scientific committee will not cause damage to heath or to the environment - and may bring sizable economic benefits. (Article: MCT' website)
1999. "Central do Brasil" and the search of a national identity. (Artigo: Folha de S.Paulo, 10.2.1999).
1999. Acceptance Speech at the Science and Technology Ministry. Brasília, January 1999.
1999 - The difference between a good state and a good administration or government. (Preface to Yehezkel Dror (1999) A Capacidade para Governar).
1998. New dependency theory is different from the theory of imperialism, as well as from the national-bourgeois interpretation. It is "new" because rich countries are not anymore against industrialization, but favor authoritarianism and income concentration (Intervention in conference).
1998. The press is a central tool of the democratic debate. It must be critical without ignoring trust and respect.(Speech in the lunch for Page 3 authors Folha de S.Paulo)
1998. Intervención en el seminario "Los Nuevos Mecanismos Institucionales: Estado, Mercado y Sociedade Civil", patrocinado pela Universidad de San Martín y el BID.
1998. Outline preparado para servir de base para a Carta de Madri de 1998: Uma Administração Gerencial para a América Latina.
1998. Originality and courage were the trade marks of Ignacio Rangel's thought. (Preface to book edited by Armen Mamigonian e José Marcio Rego)
1997. Preface to book by Nuria Cunill Grau.
1996. In late twentieth century we are facing neoliberalism, but, as a trade-off, republican right are been acknowledged and democracy is a source of morality and social justice. (Lecture at UNESCO conference).
1997. (Economia Aplicada)
1997. The author defines four "gramatics" relating society and the state in Brazil: clientelism, corporatism, bureaucratic insulation and procedural universalism. I update this analysis considering the 1985 transition to democracy (Preface to book by Edson de Oliveira Nunes)
1997 - Preface to Carlos Rossellis book, Socialismo Liberal (1930). Political ideas of an Italian liberal-socialist, who was critical of Marxism, and was killed by fascism. (Jorge Zahar Editor)
1997. Why do Brazilian economists have so much power? A review of Maria Rita Loureiro book, Os Economistas no Poder. (Book review: Folha de S.Paulo, Mais! 15.6.97)