2002. Note explaining why I proposed this change in 1997 and again 1998. See also the 1998 letter to FHC proposing the extinction. (Published just in this site)
2002. Note explaining why I proposed this change in 1997 and again 1998. See also the 1998 letter to FHC proposing the extinction. (Published just in this site)
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira e Yoshiaki Nakano (2002). Resposta à carta de Edmar Bacha, também publicada neste site, comentando o artigo "Uma estratégia de crescimento com estabilidade".
2002. Presidential elections demonstrated that democracy is consolidated, in transition from an elites to a public opinions democracy. (Note: Not published)
2002. Review of Celso Furtados book Em Busca de Novo Modelo. (Revista de Economia Política)
2002. A critique of the macroeconomic policy led by Brazil after 1995. Portuguese version of the French edition of Crise Economique et Réforme de lÉtat au Brésil. (Unpublished).
2002. The poor economic performance of the Cardoso administration will probably cause the defeat of José Serra to Lula. Behind it was the mistaken idea that Brazil could develop with foreign savings. (Berlin, Adenauer Foundation)
2002. The dependency interpretation of Brazil should be replaced by the crisis of the state interpretation. (Introduction to Economic Crisis and State Reform in Brazil. Portuguese and English versions available.
2001. This note is a previous version of the paper "After balance of powers diplomacy, globalizations' politics". It is published in the SSRC website. (December 2001).
2001. Review of two books by Renato Janine Ribeiro A Democracia and >A República.
2001. The energetic matrix is changing from hidro to gas, involving a huge increase in marginal costs. Thus, privatization and the creation of a market makes little sense. (Folha de S. Paulo, 7.6.2001)
2001. A short analysis of dismal 1990s and some hopes for the new century. (Folha de S.Paulo, Mais! 25.2.2001)
2001. Intervetion at the Seminar "La Reinvención de la Política y de la Ciudadania: la Gobernabilidad Democrática para el Desarrollo Humano en América Latina". Barcelona, January 2001.
2001. The global world remains capitalist, but the key actors are not anymore capitalists but technobureaucrats. (ABCP/UFMG Boletim de Conjuntura, September 2001). Technobureaucracy, Globalization, Capitalism.
2000. Public TV should be organized as social organization and be independent. (Short note in seminar comemorating 25 years of the Educative TV of Rio de Janeiro).
2000. Brazilian tend to identify themselves negavitvely. (Notes of the intervention in Simpósio Freud: Conflito e Cultura Brasil: Psicanálise e Modernismo).
2000. The new left is liberal because it believes in freedom and in market competition, but is ready to risk order in name of justice. (article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2000. Universities should be public non-state organizations able to accomplish their educational and research objectives. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2000. Globalization is the present stage of capitalism, globalism, the ideology that assert the loss of relevance of the nation-state. (Intervention in the 15th sesseion of the Group of Experts in Public Administration and Finance. United Nations, New York.
2000. The left in Latin America is identified with nationalism the region lacks a modern left. Policy-Network, www.policy-network.org/, December 2000.
2000. Moral standards of politicians and of business enterprises are today more closely checked by the press and public opinion than in the past. (Key-note speech published in edited book).