2011. O 'milagre alemão' e o desenvolvimento do Brasil (1949-2011)
2011. O 'milagre alemão' e o desenvolvimento do Brasil (1949-2011)
2011. A second essay on the consequences of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attack on the US - now ten years on. (Social Science Research Council website).
2011. A short account on how a new national development strategy (new developmentalism) and on the theory behind (structuralist development macroeconomics) were developed since the early 2000s. (Short essay)
2011. The 1959 Cuban Revolution was a nationalist and a socialist revolution. In both cases it was only partially successful. (Article: Estudos Avançados).
2011. Prefácio ao livro de José Jobson do Nascimento Arruda.
2011. Yes, the state is able to reform itself. Actually, it is doing this permanently. (Desigualdade & Diversidade,Revista de Ciências Sociais da PUC-Rio)
2011. The Arab peoples finally revolt. Pre-industrial countries, they fight for democracy and economic opportunity in countries dominanted by the "Ocident" - a classical eupheminism for the industrial empires the dominated the Near Orient since the 19th century. (Política Democrática)
2011. New developmentalism is a national development strategy that implies fiscal and exchange rate responsibility. Brazil lacks the latter. (Interesse Nacional).
Prefácio de Loureiro, Maria Rita, Abrucio, Fernando Luiz e Pacheco, Regina Silvia (Orgs.) Burocracia e Política no Brasil, Editora FGV, Rio de Janeiro. 2010.
2010. Economic planning today means to have a national development strategy to compete internationally. (Interview in book edited by João Sicsú and Luiz Cláudio Dias Reis)
2010. Depoimento para o Catálogo dos livros de Marcio Moreira Alves, 9.10.2010.
2010. My main works relating the exchange rate with economic growth. (A bibliography, only in this website).
2010. In Globalization and Competitiion, behind the "new developmentalism" (a national development strategy) there is a "structuralist development macroeconomics" . (Note to be published in this website)
2010. Intervenção feita na Audiência Pública sobre as Diretrizes Curriculares para Curso de Graduação em Administração Pública e Políticas Públicas, realizada no Conselho Nacional de Educação do Ministério da Educação. Existe versão ampliada.
2010. The Brazilian economy is undergoing deindustrialization due to a chronic overvaluation of the real. The structural development macroeconomics that I have been developing since the early 2000s explains why. (Cadernos FGV Projetos)
2010. No Chifre da África, é possível compreender de forma brutal a lógica do imperialismo diante da tentativa dos movimentos islâmicos de construir um Estado-nação (Le Monde Diplomatique).Disponível versão mais completa publicada nesse website
2010. The four articles of my debate with prof. Affonso Celso Pastore on whether or not "foreign savings" (current account deficits) contribute to investment and growth.
2010. The public management reform was required by the rise of the social or welfare state, and proved instrumental in legitimizing it in so far as it makes social and scientific services provided by the state efficient. Portuguese version available. (Article: Revista de Administração de Empresas)
2010. With José Luís Oreiro. Populist Keynesians are for chronic public deficits. Keynes only supported budget deficits in recession moments, and to finance investment, not current expenditures. (Article: La Onda digital).
2010. With José Luís Oreiro. Populist Keynesians are for chronic public deficits. Keynes only supported budget deficits in recession moments, and to finance investment, not current expenditures. (Article: Valor).