2006. The rate of substitution of foreign for domestic savings was high in Brazil in the period 1994-99, as the inverse rate was also high in the 2000-05 period. The critique of growth with foreign savings applied to Brazil.(Paper)
2006. The rate of substitution of foreign for domestic savings was high in Brazil in the period 1994-99, as the inverse rate was also high in the 2000-05 period. The critique of growth with foreign savings applied to Brazil.(Paper)
2006. Businessmen may support a moderate left political party if this party is also national commited to national economic development. Portuguese version available.(Paper Nueva Sociedad).
2006. Economic growth is the outcome of a national strategy of development. The characteristics and main tensions involved in these national strategies discussed. See a more complete version in English.(Paper: Revista de Economia Política)
2006. Economic development defined using a historical method instead of a normative, or a hypothetic-deductive one. (Texto para Discussão 157 EESP/FGV)
2005. The balance of payment crises in developing countries (originated in the strategy of growth with foreign savings) and the enormous US current account deficit are both the outcome of economic populism. The later problem points out to a hard landing. English version available.(Paper: Estudos Econômicos) .
2005. A summing up of my views on public management reform, distinguishing a strucutural and a managerial aspect. (Paper to be published in edited book)
2005. Transmissible diseases and terrorism are threats that come out of poverty, and, in the second case, from fights for national autonomy. Rich countries should abstain from interferring in developing countries. (Paper: Política Externa)
2005. With Paulo Gala. A formalization of the critique of the strategy of growth with foreign savings that I have been doing since 2001. This version was substantially improved in 2006 receiving the new title "Why foreign savings fail to cause growth", in English, and "Por que a poupança externa não promove crescimento" in Portuguese. I keep this version here just for the record. (Paper: Texto para Discussão)
2005. Bresser-Pereira and Regina Silvia Pacheco. Brazilian public administration is not so inefficient as it is commonly said. Public management reform is already playing a role in this process. (Paper in book edited by Reis Velloso).
2006. A critique of the two dependency theories (associated and super-exploration) which intended to be an alternative to ISEBs and ECLACs view of Latin American development. Only a third version - national-dependent theory - is consistent with the nation building and growth. Portuguese and English versions available.(Paper)
2005. A critique of the two dependency theories (associated and super-exploration) which intended to be an alternative to ISEBs and ECLACs view of Latin American development. Only a third version - national-dependent theory - is consistent with the nation building and growth. English and Spanish versions available.(Paper in edited book)
2005. A critique of the two dependency theories (associated and super-exploration) which intended to be an alternative to ISEBs and ECLACs view of Latin American development. Only a third version - national-dependent theory - is consistent with the nation building and growth. Portuguese and Spanish versions available.(Paper)
2005. The rise of the professional middle class, knowledge as the new strategic factor of production, and democracy. English version available. (Paper: Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais)
2005. Participative and republican democracy is the third historical form of democracy - a form that is just emerging. Previously we had "elites democracy", and "public opinions democracy", which is the present dominant form. (Paper: Novos Estudos CEBRAP)*
2005. After the revolutionary 60s we see a conservative counter-revolution. The causes behind. (Essay to be published)
2004. Among institutions the crucial one is the state, and, within it, the state apparatus. Public management reform aims at making such apparatus efficient. (Paper in edited book)*
2004. A survey of my work as an economist, sociologist, and political theorist. It includes a re-evaluation of dependency theory. Paper in the Festricht of Bresser-Pereira, Em Busca do Novo. (Paper in edited book)
2005. The perverse macroeconomic model of the Brazilian economy combining high interest rate and low exchange rate with growth with foreign savings and quasi-stagnation. (In edited book, Novo Desenvolvimentismo)*
2004. In reforming the state the democtratic constraint has priority over the economic one. Portuguese and English versions available.(Paper in CLADs Scientific Council edited book) *
2004. The critique of the growth cum foreign savings strategy adopted in the Cardoso administration. Foreign finance does not cause growth. Spanish version available. (Paper: International Journal of Political Economy)*