2013. A revised version of my 2008 paper on the Dutch disease in which I distinguish the value from the market price of the exchange rate. (Paper: Brazilian Journal of Political Economy)
2013. A revised version of my 2008 paper on the Dutch disease in which I distinguish the value from the market price of the exchange rate. (Paper: Brazilian Journal of Political Economy)
2013. (paper: Revista Sociologia e Política).
2013. A more precise presentation of Rangel's "basic duality" theory to explain Brazilian history. (paper: Análise Econômica).
2013. The neoliberal policy regime was defined by economic, political and "hegemony" constraints, but while not complying with first two implies malfunctioning of the system, the non compliance of hegemony constraints just means that the interest of the neoliberal class coalition were not served. (Paper in edited book)
2013. Com José Marcio Rego. Este texto reproduz trabalho publicado um ano antes da morte de Ignácio Rangel (1993), com pequenas correções e a substituição da parte referente ao ciclo longo e à dualidade básica pela revisita realizada por Bresser-Pereira aos dois problemas.
2013. With Eli Diniz. Brazilian industrialist ceased to be part of the dominant political coalition from the late 1980s to the the mid 2000s. Yet, since the Lula administration, the emergence of a new developmentalism, and the 2008 collapse of neoliberalism, they are again being heard in Brazil. Actualized version of a previous paper. Also available German version. (To be published in edited book)
2012, with Daniela Theuer. Improved version of Um Estado novo-desenvolvimentista na América Latina?. Published also in French Amérique Latine : après les années néolibérales, l'État développementiste est-il de retour?
2013, com Paulo Gala (Paper in edited book)
2012. In this paper I finally defined the relation between the exchange rate and the investment rate (and so, the growth rate). Investment depends on the exchange rate because as the theory says that it tends do become overvalued in the long-term (for several years) within the exchange rate cycle, companies will take this overvalued currency as reference in their investment decision and will refrain from investing (Paper: Estudos Avançados) Portuguese version
2012. In this paper I finally defined the relation between the exchange rate and the investment rate (and so, the growth rate). Investment depends on the exchange rate because as the theory says that it tends do become overvalued in the long-term (for several years) within the exchange rate cycle, companies will take this overvalued currency as reference in their investment decision and will refrain from investing (Paper: Estudos Avançados) English version
2007. Vargas was the statesman that led Brazils national and industrial revolution. Although an authoritarian politician, he created the conditions for consolidated democracy. (Paper: tin book edited by Dutra Fonseca Zahluth Bastos)
2012, with Daniela Theuer. After the faillure of neoliberal reforms the developmental state is again being built in Latin America. Yet the task is extremely.difficult, particularly in the poorer countries. (Paper: Economia e Sociedade) English and improved version available. Published also in French.
2012, com Daniela Theuer. After the failure of neoliberal reforms the developmental state is again being built in Latin America. Yet the task is extremely.difficult, particularly in the poorer countries. (Paper: Recherches Internationales). English and improved version available.
2012. An overview o Brazil since the independence. An interpretation of Brazil considering the political pacts or class coalitions and the growth strategies. (Paper: Novos Estudos
2012 (2015). New developmentalism and its structuralist development macroeconomics is theory/strategy, here compared with old developmentalism and liberal orthodoxy. (Paper in book in homage of Roberto Frenkel)
2012. A sum up of a structuralist development macroeconomics and of the ensuing national development strategy: new developmentalism. A theoretical step ahead in relation to Globalization and Competition. (Paper: Brazilian Journal of Political Economy)
2013. The core of neoclassical economics (general equilibrium and rational expectations macroeconomics) is demoralized. A Keynesian-structuralist alternative is available. What is necessary to do to become mainstream again. English version available.
2011. Transition to democracy can happen before the capitalist revolution, but democratic consolidation depends that it is "completed", i.e., that economic surplus is appropriated in the market. (Paper: Dados).
2012. There are three models of developed capitalism (liberal-democractic or Anglo-Saxon, social or European model, and Japanese model and two models of developing capitalism: the Asian developmental model and the liberal-dependent model. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política). Portuguese version available.