In Dana de la Fontaine and Thomas Stehnken (hrsg.) 2012 Das politische System Brasiliens 2012. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden Germany. pp. 193-208.
In Dana de la Fontaine and Thomas Stehnken (hrsg.) 2012 Das politische System Brasiliens 2012. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden Germany. pp. 193-208.
2012. Brazil is a national-dependent society. The three cycles of its independent history were, successively, "State and Integration", "Nation and Development" and "Democracy and Social Justice". (Paper: Perspectivas) English version available.
2012. Transition to democracy can happen before the capitalist revolution, but democratic consolidation depends that it is "completed", i.e., that economic surplus is appropriated in the market. (Paper: Économie Appliquée) Versão atualizada de Why did democracy become the preferred political regime only in the twentieth century
2011. The core of neoclassical economics (general equilibrium and rational expectations macroeconomics) is demoralized. A Keynesian-structuralist alternative is available. What is necessary to do to become mainstream again. Portuguese version available. Also available a Slide presentation.
2012. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE), receiving the James Street Scholar for 2012. Chicago, January 7, 2012. (Journal of Economic Issues).
2011. My more complete paper on new developmentalism. In José Antonio Ocampo and Jaime Ros, eds. Handbook of Latin America Economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Paper). Portuguese version available.
2011. Latecomers - the countries that didn't made their Capitalist Revolution in the 18th or the 19th century need nationalist revolutions to fight imperialism and make their own national and industrial revolution. (Paper being worked)
2011. A new Keynesian-structuralist school of thought is emerging in Brazil, formed by a Structuralist Development Macroeconomics that offers scientific explanation to New Developmentalism. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política).
2011. The capitalist revolution is a major economic and social change that divides the history of mankind in two parts, as it opens room to development. Capitalist development, on its hand, follows a number o phases or stages. (Paper: Crítica e Sociedade)
2011. There are three models of developed capitalism (liberal-democractic or Anglo-Saxon, social or European model, and Japanese model and two models of developing capitalism: the Asian developmental model and the liberal-dependent model. (Texto para Discussão 280)). English version available
2011. Discussion Paper not published elsewhere. (TD-279)
2010. The 2008 financial crisis signaled the end of 30 Neoliberal Years of Capitalism. It was caused by the deregulation promoted by the neoliberal ideology justified "scientifically" by neoclassical economics. Paper (Revue de la Régulation).
2011. New developmentalism is an alternative strategy to conventional orthodoxy and to old national developmentalism. It argues for the neutralization of the tendency of the exchange rate to appreciate and for fiscal responsibility.(Paper in the book in hommage to Maria Conceição Tavares)
2012. With Paulo Gala. A summary of the structuralist development macroeconomics: the theory that is behind new developmentalism, the national development strategy required for catching up. Portuguese version available. (Paper only in this website).
2010. With Paulo Gala. A summary of the structuralist development macroeconomics: the theory that is behind new developmentalism, the national development strategy required for catching up. Spanish version available. (Paper Revista de Economia Política).
2010. Democratization is the improvement of the quality of democracy. Besides reduction of political inequality, it requires reduction of economic inequality. (Paper for the Festschrift of José Maria Maravall).
2010. Despite the fact that politics (the art of governing the state) is subjected to economic and political constraints, it counts with a relative autonomy. Whereas society and the economy are the realm of necessity, politics is the realm of men's will and freedom. (Paper: Lua Nova)
2010. What is new developmentalism? And structuralist development macroeconomics? To which extent is Brazil adopting it? Short answers to these three questions. (Article: Nueva Sociedad)).
2010. The 2008 financial crisis was caused by the deregulation promoted by neoliberal and financialized capitalism with the support of neoclassical economics. (Paper: Novos Estudos Cebrap).
Original em português de "Bureaucratie publique et réforme managériale: La réforme administrative brésilienne de 1995", 17 (3), 2010: 143-155. (Paper)