1963. Alfred Slowan's model of functional descentralized organization (today called "matricial organization") clearly presented.(Chapter 4 of Introdução à Organização Burocrática).
1963. Alfred Slowan's model of functional descentralized organization (today called "matricial organization") clearly presented.(Chapter 4 of Introdução à Organização Burocrática).
1962. A new salaried middle class is emerging in Brazil as a consequence of the Industrial Revolution that began in 1930. The Portuguese version appeared as Chapter 3 of Desenvolvimento e Crise no Brasil (1968). (Paper: Journal of Inter-American Studies).
1992. In contemporary capitalism Schumpeterian entrepreneurs remain significant, but in the large business enterprises innovation is the outcome of senior executives colectively involved in entrepreneurial activity. (Paper: Revista de Administração de Empresas)
1961. The characteristics of a marketing program discussed. (Term paper: Michigan State University)
1961. A Brazilian business school like FGV/SP should have an explicit economic development orientation. (Term paper: Michigan State University)
1959. My first paper at Getulio Vargas Foundation. Despite major conflicts, in a higher level of abstraction industrial societies share a common ideology. (Published only here)
1958. My first paper or quasi-paper. It was written to the discussion group, "Porão", formed mostly by collegues of JUC (Juventude Universitária Católica), and coordinated by Jorge da Cunha Lima. (Paper published as FGV/SP apostila and here)