• 11-1992-capa-a-crise-do-estado
  • 01-2021
  • 10-1998-capa-reforma-do-estado-para-a-cidadania
  • 17-2004-capa-em-busca-do-novo
  • 01-2021-capa-new-developmentalism
  • 15-1968-capa-desenvolvimento-e-crise-no-brasil-1930-1967
  • 07-2004-capa-democracy-and-public-management-reform
  • 05-2009-capa-mondialisation-et-competition
  • 10-1999-capa-reforma-del-estado-para-la-ciudadania
  • 05-2009-capa-globalizacao-e-competicao
  • 05-2010-capa-globalization-and-competition
  • 05-2010-capa-globalixacion-y-competencia
  • 2006-capa-as-revolucoes-utopicas-dos-anos-60
  • capa-novo-desenvolvimentismo-duplicada-e-sombreada
  • 13-1988-capa-lucro-acumulacao-e-crise-2a-edicao
  • 08-1984-capa-desenvolvimento-e-crise-no-brasil-1930-1983
  • 02-2021-capa-a-construcao-politica-e-economica-do-brasil
  • 04-2016-capa-macroeconomia-desenvolvimentista
  • 06-2009-capa-construindo-o-estado-republicano
  • 16-2015-capa-a-teoria-economica-na-obra-de-bresser-pereira-3
  • 09-1993-capa-economic-reforms-in-new-democracies
  • 2014-capa-developmental-macroeconomics-new-developmentalism
  • 12-1982-capa-a-sociedade-estatal-e-a-tecnoburocracia
  • 09-1993-capa-reformas-economicas-em-democracias-novas
  • 03-2018-capa-em-busca-de-desenvolvimento-perdido
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1974 [1991]. A survey of the theory of the decision to invest and a critique of the neoclassical emphasis on the interests or on the normal profits. Investments, as the classical economists knew, depend essentially on profit expectations substantially higher than the interst rate. Variations in the expected profit rate are more important in explaining capital accumulation than variations in the interest rate. It elaborates "A decisião de investir, os lucros e os juros". (Paper: Texto para Discussão FGV Economia)

1970. Economic theory is formed of two branches: formal economics, a sum of tools, and political economy, the analysis of real economic systems and problems. (Note: FGV/SP)

1968. Development defined as involving a Industrial and a National Revolution. (Chapter 1 of Development and Crisis in Brazil,1968)

1968. With Yoshiaki Nakano. Basic concepts of social accounting, emphasizing the ex-post equality of product, income and expenditure. (Apostila FGV/SP)

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