1987. Documentos do Ministério da Fazenda, governo José Sarney.
1987. Documentos do Ministério da Fazenda, governo José Sarney.
1987. The first and only document available of the G-3 - the association of Argentina, Mexico and Brazil proposed by the last country to face the debt crisis. (Document)
1987. Pronunciamento na Câmara dos Deputados por ocasião do lançamento do "Plano Bresser".
1987. Macroeconomic Control Plan.
Paper (1987) Second draft of Brazil's proposal of securitization of the foreign debt of the highly indebted countries, which was rejected by the Secretary of the Treasury, James Baker, in September 1987, but turned into the 1989 Bady Plan which solved the Foreign Debt Crisis.
Pronunciamento na Reunião do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico. Junho 1987.
1987. Objetivos e Diretrizes da Política Econômica do Governo Sarney, Discurso de Posse do Ministro, e Discurso na Câmara dos Deputados.
1987. Discurso de posse (Transmissão de Cargo)
1987. Article just before being nominate Finance Minister saying that the economic crisis imposed an adjustment of the foreign accounts and a plan for controling inflation. (Article: Jornal do Brasil, April 21, 1987)