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O Gigante Fora do Tempo: A Guerra do Iraque e o Sistema Global

Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira

Política Externa, 12 (1), junho 2003: 43-62.

Abstract. Under the presidency of George W. Bush the US is a giant out of time. The age of balance of powers' diplomacy and imperial wars is over. We live now in the world of global capitalism and democracy, where national states compete through their business enterprises. In the Global System the main task is to develop an international institutional system through multilateral actions. The Bush administration, however, did not understand that, and waged a unilateral war against Iraq. In acting this way, without the support of the United Nations, president Bush's conservative and messianic entourage is ruling the US against its real national interests. The world is today more insecure than before the war, and lacks the required leadership to fight the real enemies: terrorism, drugs, poverty, and climate change.