1999. As the democracy advances, civil society and its organizations get also more democratic, and their power in making politicians and bureaucrats accountable increases. (Paper in edited book by Bresser-Pereira, Wilheim and Sola)
1999. As the democracy advances, civil society and its organizations get also more democratic, and their power in making politicians and bureaucrats accountable increases. (Paper in edited book by Bresser-Pereira, Wilheim and Sola)
1997. A broad view of the public management reform. The role of the state and new forms of accountability (administration by results, managed competition for excelence, and social accountability) are discussed. Portuguese and Spanish versions available. (Paper in book by Burlamaqui, Castro e Chang).
1998. The new state that is emeging out of public management reform is a response to the crisis of the welfare and developmental state.English version available(Paper in book edited by Bresser-Pereira & Spink)*
1998. Edited book with Nuria Cunill Grau. Essays on public non-state or civil society organizations and the 1995 Brazilian Public Management Reform. (CLAD/Editorial Paidós)
1997. The new state that is emeging out crisis of the welfare and developmental state will have to be able to protect citizens rights. Managerial public administration plays a major role in this direction. Portuguese version available. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política)
1997. The new state that is emeging out crisis of the welfare and developmental state will have to be able to protect citizens rights. Managerial public administration plays a major role in this direction. Portuguese version available.(Paper Journal of Post Keynesian Economics)*
1997. A broad view of the public management reform. The role of the state and new forms of accountability (administration by results, managed competition for excelence, and social accountability) are discussed. Portuguese and English versions available. (Paper presented to the Círculo de Montevideo, Barcelona, não publicado em espanhol)
1998. After the 1980s' crisis, the main task in Latin America is to rebuild state capacity. (Paper: Novos Estudos CEBRAP)
1995. Public non-state organizations are essential in the reform of the state performing either social and scientific services (social organizations) or social accountability roles. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
1995. The concept of state and the main theories. The role of civil society in assuring democratic legitimacy to the state. English version available. (Paper: Lua Nova)*
1995. The concept of state and the main theories. The role of civil society in assuring democratic legitimacy to the state. Portuguese version available. (Paper: published only in Portuguese)
1992. The state is being criticized, on the right, by neoliberals, and on the left, by "logic of capital" Marxists. There is a cyclical aspect in it.(Paper: Lua Nova)
1990.The neoliberal wave can be understood in the framework of my theory of the cyclical character of state intervention. (Paper: Revista de La CEPAL)
1989. State intervention has a cyclical character now the neo-liberal ideological wave is causing a reduction of the state, and distortions are being corrected, but sooner or later the movement will be reversed confirming the cycle. Improved English version available. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política)
1989 [1993]. State intervention has a cyclical character now the neo-liberal ideological wave is causing a reduction of the state, and distortions are being corrected, but sooner or later the movement will be reversed confirming the cycle. Portuguese version available. (Paper in World Development).
1985 {1986}. The Entrepreneurial or Producer State was essential to Latin Americas primitive accumulation and industrialization. Now, in the new stage that the more advanced Latin American countries are entering, it is time for the the Regulatory and the Social State. Yet, this transition is taking place together with the transition to democracy, a major debt crisis, and a neo-liberal ideological ofensive. Portuguese version available. (Paper: in book edited by Atilio Boron)*
1982. In the modern technobureaucratic-capitalist state, market and state coordination of the economy are intrinsically connected. In economic terms the state is producer, income distributor, and coordinator.(Paper: Revista de Economia Política)
1977. In late 1974, the debate on the statization signals the beginning of the transition to democracy in Brazil. The bourgeoisie is the accuser, the state s technobureaucracy, the defendant. (Paper:Ensaios de Opinião)
1977. The planning state and the producer state in industrialized underdevelopment or the developmental state. (Short paper)