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Democracy and Public Management Reform: Building the Republican State

Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira

Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2004 capa democracy and public management reform Available at Amazon.com



Part I - The Rise of the Modern State

1.  Historical forms of State
2. Absolute State and patrimonial administration
3. The Liberal State and civil service reform
4. The transition to liberal democracy
5. The Social-Democratic State
6. The crisis of the Social-Democratic State
7. The global system and the State
8. The emergence of republican rights
9. The Social-Liberal State
10. The Republican State
11. Republican democracy

Part II - Reforming Public Administration

12. Bureaucratic and civil service reform
13. Public management reform in practice
14. Public management reform defined
15. The basic model
16. Devolution and decentralization
17. Executive and regulatory agencies
18. Social organizations
19. Managing from the strategic core

Part III - A Discussion of the Reform

20. Theoretical approaches to new public management
21. Critics of reform
22. The democratic constraint
