Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 39 (2), April 2019: 187-210.
New developmentalism was a response to the inability of classical developmental- ism and post-Keynesian macroeconomics in leading middle-income countries to resume growth. New developmentalism was born in the 2000s to explain why Latin American countries stopped growing in the 1980s, while East Asian countries continued to catch up. This paper compares new developmentalism with classical developmentalism, which didn't have a macroeconomics, and with post-Keynesian economics, whose macroeconomics is not devoted to developing coun- tries. And shows that to follow the East Asian example is not enough industrial policy, it is also necessary a macroeconomic policy that sets the five macroeconomic prices right, rejects the growth with foreign savings policy, and keeps the macroeconomic accounts balanced..