1991. An early critique of the Washington consensus. A systematic analysis of the Latin American crisis as a foreign debt and a fiscal crisis of the state crisis. Portuguese, English, and French versions available. (Paper: Pensamiento Iberamericano)
1991. An early critique of the Washington consensus. A systematic analysis of the Latin American crisis as a foreign debt and a fiscal crisis of the state crisis. Portuguese, English, and French versions available. (Paper: Pensamiento Iberamericano)
1991. An early critique of the Washington consensus. A systematic analysis of the Latin American crisis as a foreign debt crisis and a fiscal crisis of the state. Portuguese, French, and Spanish versions available. (English version not published: just available in this site).
1991. Collor is rather a modern conservative than a neo-liberal politician. Ideology and modernity in Brazil. (Note: Novos Estudos CEBRAP)*
1990. This paper discusses two alternatives - neo-liberal and modern progressive - and asserts that Brazil is already sufficiently mature to protect its the national interest. (Paper in the book A Crise do Estado)
1990. The three versions of the old left (communist, social-democrat, and developmental) are in crisis because lack a growth strategy. Yet, a modern, social-democrataic, left is emerging. (Paper: Lua Nova)
1989. The transition to democracy was an outcome of successful political popular-business pact, but mistaken ideoloiges originated in old nationalism and left populism, and on conservative clientelism, opportunism, social conservatism, monetarism, crude liberalism, and subordinated internationalism represent an obstacle to democratic consolidation and growth in Brazil. Portuguese version available.
(Paper in book edited by Diane Ethier)
1989. A testimony to IUPERJ on the author's experience as Finance Minister in Brazil. I receive the finance ministry when the Great Debt Crisis of the 1980s reaches its peak with the failure of the Cruzado Plan. The emergence "Bresser Plan", and the negotiation of the foreign debt. Available in Portuguese, and in an extended version. (Published in Problèmes d'Amérique Latine)
1988. A critique of Caio Prado Jr.'s application of the concept of mercantilist capitalism to Brazil after 1930; and also a critique of mercantilist (patrimonial) practices in the Sarney administration. (Paper in book edited by Maria Angela D'Incao)
1988. A testimony to IUPERJ (Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos) on the authors experience as Finance Minister of Brazil. Available in French, and also an extended and revised version.(Discussion paper, IUPERJ)
1985. The transition from the Entrepreneurial to the Regulatory State in Latin America is taking place in the middle of a financial (debt) crisis, the advancement of neo-liberal ideology, and the transition to democracy, after the state completed its role of promoting primitive accumulation. Spanish version available. (Paper in book edited by Atilio Boron Portuguese version just published here)
1985 (1988). With the transiction to democracy and the election of Tancredo Neves the probability of a populist political pact is small. The alternatives after democratization are a conservative pact based on the great bourgeoisie, or a progressive one based on the middle classes.Portuguese version available. (Paper in book edited by Chacel, Falk e Fleischer)
1985. With the transiction to democracy and the election of Tancredo Neves the probability of a populist political pact is small. The alternatives after democratization are a conservative pact based on the great bourgeoisie, or a progressive one based on the middle classes. English version available. (Paper in the book Pactos Políticos)
1985. Collected papers on political pacts and the 1987-85 Brazilian transition to democracy. Complements the analysis originally made in O Colapso de uma Aliança de Classes. (Book: Editora Brasiliense). Sold out. Available in PDF.
1984. Economic development, political pacts, and crises in Brazil from 1930 to the early 1980s. English translation of the Portuguese edition. (Book: Westview Press) Available in kindle and print, and in pdf.
1983. New historical facts demand new interpretations. Brazil is not anymore a underdeveloped country, multinationals are not the cause of underdevelopment, the bourgeoisie is not authoritarian, technobureaurcrats are not mere staff to the businessmen, income does not necessarily concentrate.(Paper: Novos Estudos Cebrap)
1982 (1984). An overview of the political and economic interpretations of Brazil before and after 1964. The two interpretations of Brazil before 1964 (agrarian vocation and national-bourgeois) and the four after 1964 (imperialist, functional-capitalist, dependency, and authoritarian modernization). Portuguese version available. (Paper: Latin American Perspectives).
1982. An overview of the political and economic interpretations of Brazil before and after 1964. The two interpretations of Brazil before 1964 (agrarian vocation and national-bourgeois) and the four after 1964 (imperialist, functional-capitalist, dependency, and authoritarian modernization). English version available. (Paper: Dados)*
1981. Economic policy is becoming endogenous as the state gets immobilised for fiscal and financial reasons. (Paper Brazilian Journal of Political Economy)
1978. The beginning of the transition to democracy in Brazil: the Brazilian bourgeoisie reacts to the authoritarian "Pacote de Abril" of 1977 breaking down its 1964 alliance with the military. Esgotado nas livrarias. Complete book in PDF format in this site e na apple store
1977. In late 1974, the debate on the statization signals the beginning of the transition to democracy in Brazil. The bourgeoisie is the accuser, the state s technobureaucracy, the defendant. (Paper:Ensaios de Opinião)